Why Choose Native Cigarettes in New Brunswick

Why Choose Native Cigarettes in New Brunswick

New Brunswick has the highest number of cigarette smokers by the province in the country. However, most users are stuck with commercial tobacco products and are unaware of the premium experience offered by First Nation cigarettes. 

Native cigarettes can be considered true tobacco products. Moreover, the heritage attached to this form of tobacco makes it even better and more appealing. 

From their origins to benefits, let’s explore the realm of native smokes. 

History of Native Cigarettes

The history of tobacco in Canada can be traced back at least 1,000 years. Unsurprisingly, indigenous people used to cultivate tobacco plants for recreational use, and those were the ones who introduced tobacco to European explorers. 

How Indigenous People Used Tobacco 

Nowadays, we can see just about anyone can be walking around with a cigarette in their hand. People now smoke out of habit, because of cold, or just to kill time. 

However, natives held tobacco sacred and it was used in religious ceremonies or as an experience. Additionally, tobacco was often used as a painkiller for toothache and earache. 

Unlike modern cigarettes, tobacco smoking was an occasion amongst various tribes in previous times, and pipe ceremonies were common in almost every tribe. 

Pipe Ceremony Explained

Natives believed that tobacco smoking was a means of communicating with the spirits and spirit world. Specifically, smoke is considered to carry prayers to the Creator. 

How is Pipe Ceremony Carried Out

While this ceremony and traditions change from tribe to tribe, this is a typical setup for such ceremonies. 

  • Typically, there will be two pipe carriers (male and female), the Elder and Oskâpêwis (Elder Helper). 
  • Once the members are gathered, the Elder and Oskâpêwis will decide on the sitting position and begin chanting prayers even before lighting the pipe.
  • Since the smoke is offered to the Creator and four directions, members (based on hierarchy) will be seated. 
  • The Elder will light the pipe (filled with Tobacco and other medicinal plants called kinikinik). 
  • Each member will take four puffs and pass the pipe clockwise to the next member. 
  • During the entire process, the Elder and Oskâpêwis will continue to chant prayers. 

Significance of Native Cigarettes 

As mentioned above, this form of tobacco is very sacred for indigenous people. However, in addition to the pipe ceremony, they also carry out the roll-your-own cigarette, which is another long-lasting practice. 

It also strengthens their connection with the Creator, but it is also believed to represent respect for their land, heritage, and identity. 

What are Native Cigarettes Made Of?

Generally, native cigarettes are composed of only tobacco that has been dried and crushed. Typically, these were made with air-cured leaves. 

However, over time, the introduction of machinery sped up the process, but the composition of most native cigarettes is still relatively the same as in the early 1900s. 

Even today, you can purchase First Nation cigarettes that mostly contain tobacco and some other crushed red willow bark and other plants. 

Why Choose Native Cigarettes Over Regular Cigarettes?

Here are all the reasons why you should opt for First Nation tobacco over modern products:

Natural Ingredients: One of the primary reasons to choose a native cigarette is the natural experience. Unlike modern cigarettes, these do not contain additives and preservatives, providing you with a much purer smoking experience without harsh chemicals. 

Strong Heritage: Unsurprisingly, these cigarettes are connected with a strong heritage and have cultural significance, making them ideal for people seeking more than just a quick smoke. 

Sustainable: Unlike modern, commercially-produced cigarettes, native cigarettes are produced with locally sourced tobacco with respect to the land and environment. 

Where Can I Smoke Native Cigarettes in New Brunswick?

Being one of the largest Maritime Provinces, you can easily find a spot with mesmerizing views of the Bay of Fundy. 

With that said, the rules regarding smoking are becoming stricter than ever before. Now, you must be at least 25 feet away from any doorways, windows, and public areas. These measures have been taken to prevent second-hand smoke and related diseases. Therefore, as long as you are at a safe distance, you can smoke easily. 

Thankfully, you can easily partake in pipe ceremonies. The University of New Brunswick (UNB) has implemented a new policy to facilitate Indigenous cultural practices on campus by designating specific areas for smudging and pipe ceremonies.

Is It Legal to Buy Native Cigarettes in New Brunswick?

Yes. It is legal to purchase First Nation tobacco products in New Brunswick as long as you’re buying them from a reputed vendor. 

Where Can I Buy Native Cigarettes Online in New Brunswick?

You can safely purchase native cigarettes and vapes from Top Smokes Canada in New Brunswick. We proudly offer First Nation tobacco products and ship them across Canada. 

Where Can I Buy Cheap Smokes in New Brunswick?

You can get high-quality, cheap cigarettes from Top Smokes Canada. A pack of our high-quality native cigarettes starts at $45, providing unmatched value. 

Wrapping It Up 

Whether you prefer to indulge in native cigarettes because of their cultural significance or you simply prefer a purer experience, these tobacco products are excellent to suffice both needs. 

Additionally, you can stock them up without having to leave the comfort of your home with Top Smokes Canada’s bulk ordering option. 

So, are you ready to embark on the journey of premium native smokes? Allow Top Smokes Canada to be your guide. 

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